Friday, October 24, 2008

Pumpkin Carving!

Erin and Joel came over this past Friday for pumpkin carving and to watch Monster House. We had such a fun time and our pumpkins turned out great. Joel's pumpkin is the one with the windmill, Erin's has the cool decor, and ours is the funny looking monster we made just for Sage.

Picnics Galore!

Picnicking seems to be our new family activity. First we ventured to the big grassy field by the Carpinteria Beach Campground, Sage thought it was a good idea to help tuck Dan in for a nap when we were done eating. A few days later we picnicked at a park in Summerland to the setting, we are so blessed to live in such a beautiful place!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hangin' out with Sage

Sage and I were desperate for some fresh air the other day so we decided to have a picnic. We rolled around in the leaves, stared at the brilliant blue sky, and basked in the cool ocean breeze and setting fall sun.

Autumn Fun =)

Amazingly, it's still in the upper 80s here in Santa Barbara and all of us Midwesterners are DESPERATE for some semblance of fall. So Dan and I along with our friends Phil, Claire, and Sammy decided to head up north to another of our favorite getaways - Avilla Valley Barn. We walked through orchards, picked apples, went through a hay maze, drank yummy cider and had a fantastic day. Sage slept through most of it, but seemed to love the pumpkins best of all =)

More Fall...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Weekend with the Bishops

This past weekend we went to go visit our dear friends, Margrett and Lamon Bishop down in Temecula, CA. It was blazing hot so we decided to escape the heat by getting out of town. Saturday we went up to the quaint mountain town of Julian. It's one of our favorite getaways because of it's beauty, simplicity, and famous apple pie, yummy! We had a picnic in a local park and toured the town the rest of the afternoon, it was a splendid day!

More fun with the Bishops...

On Sunday we all piled in the car and headed to the good ole' beach town of Encinitas, Dan and Lamon were itchin to surf at our home break, Pipes, and Dave and Linda and John and Irena joined us as well. The guys all went surfing (I'm not quite up for surfing yet) and us ladies hung out on the beach with Sage. It was a cool cloudy day which was much appreciated after being in the heat of Temecula, we ended the day with a tailgate dinner on the cliffs overlooking the surf below. Thank you Margrett and Lamon for a great weekend!!!

A typical day at home...