Saturday, July 18, 2009


My sweet Sage, I love that: you always make people smile wherever we go, you crawl like a peg leg pirate and walk as if you're side-stepping out on a plank, you love to dance anytime you hear music, you are crazy about guitars, strawberries make you go crazy - you love them so much, you love being chased up the stairs, you sleep on your tummy all curled up like a frog, you love playing hide and go seek, you are fascinated with birds, you are obsessed with water, when sitting in your car seat you love to laugh at nothing at all, which of course makes me laugh and then we are laughing together and can't stop, you are my precious and beloved son, thank you Jesus for my son...I love you buddy!

Sage is one!

Happy Birthday Sage!  We had a blast celebrating Sage today, he loved all the attention and excitement.  We are so grateful for this past year of Sage's life and we so look forward to all the adventures still to come.  

Experiencing cake for the first time

Sage was already so tired by the time we got around to eating cake that the ever-anticipated "first cake moment" was quite subdued.  He played with his cake for quite awhile before he decided to taste it, but once he did there was no turning back.

Sage's new ride

Sage got a new car (thanks for helping with this Grandma Bos!) for his birthday.  Here's his first cruise around town

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wobbly but walking

Here's Sage showing off his fancy footwork.  He pretty much prefers walking over crawling these days, unless he wants to go really fast - then it's back to the peg leg pirate crawl.  It's only a matter of time till he's running all over the place...ready...set...GO! =)

Sage discovers his tongue

Sage wants to be just like his dad, even when learning how to stick out his tongue.  All was going well until Dan stuck his finger out to touch Sage's tongue...which Sage wanted nothing to do with.  What a funny kid.

Groovin' Sage

Sage loves to dance these days, I tried to catch him getting his groove on but this was the best I could do.  He also likes to help daddy play guitar =)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I love this kid!

Playing around

Sage's new favorite play times include either the pots and pans, or his new turtle swimming pool. He also likes admiring the new babies in town, pictured here with Sophie Ficsor and in a post-coming-soon, Sage with Cornelius Patterson (congrats Dan and Leanne!).

Blue Devils Drum and Bugle Corps

The other night we went out to see my dear friend Nicole perform with her drum corps. Wow, we were SO impressed by them and only wish you all could have seen how amazing they are. Her corps, Blue Devils, are in first place right now and hopefully will win the World Championships in August. You rock Nicole!

How cute is this?!

The other day Sage and I went to visit our good friends Dan and Leanne Patterson. Every time we are over there Sage's favorite toy is their dog Jasmine's water bowl. Dan P. snapped these shots, haha, doesn't get better than this.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our Wednesday

Here's a glimpse into what our day was like today. Sage loved exploring out in the front of our home, he crawled around a lot but he also walked a good seven feet all by himself =) He laughs a ton these days and makes all kinds of squawks and babbles. In the picture below (with him holding the stick) I think he was trying to say, "Ahoy Mates!" as he wielded his "sword". After lunch and nap we headed to the beach for some afternoon fun. It was a great day considering the poor kids molars are coming in and he is NOT a happy camper (note the drool). Major meltdown began about 6:00 but now he's sleeping and another good day is under our belts. We are so blessed!