Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Family vacation time!

Earlier this month we took our annual vacation back to the Midwest to see family and go to Cedar Campus (family camp). Oh how wonderful it was to see everyone and have time to relax and rejuvenate. My dad, the amazing photographer that he is, has many great pics of our time at Cedar but I don't quite have those yet. But here are some pics of our time with my parents after Cedar when we were back in Chicago.

Having a great (although HOT!) afternoon with Oma and Opa at Brookfield Zoo
Sage looooooved to "help" Opa walk Molly
Here are three of my dad's pics of Sage that he took while at Cedar, they are my favorite =)

Boys and dirt, like peas in a pod
Sage's new favorite sport - frisbee!
I love this kid, I love this kid, I love this kid =)

Hanging out with Grandma

While touring the farmer's market and Grandma's new workplace, we ran across a playground with a wooden train. Sage loooved playing in the "choo-choo" =)

Swimming in Lake Michigan which was an astonishing 75 degrees!
Playing in the sand with Grandma
Making sand blocks which of course (according to Sage) are only built so they can be destroyed

At Grandpa's Cabin

While on vacation we got to go see Grandpa and Alex at their cabin in Michigan. Sage loved his time up there and especially fell in love with Maggie (the dog). So fun to be out in the woods, well, minus the mosquitos that is...

Sage hanging out with Maggie
Sage keeping close to his buddy
Sage and Grandpa
The guys hanging out at the fire
On our first day there the weather was great and so we decided to take a quick trip down the river. Sage loved the first ten minutes or so, then he just wanted to jump in and play in the water or be anywhere else other than stuck in a canoe. =) Alex is kayaking with us, it was great to have him along.