Saturday, November 27, 2010

Caelan, 9 weeks

Here's Caelan at 9 weeks old, still working hard to find his thumb =)

Sage and Daddy morning coffee time

Here's Dan and Sage sharing an early morning moment, coffee and hot cocoa =) Sage is pretty excited about his new mug which has a hidden ceramic horse inside. He thinks its pretty cool to see a horse swimming in his drink =)

My boys

Cealan, 9 weeks old
Sage keeping Caelan company
Fresh from his bath
Still working on getting that thumb
Best buds =)

Favorite Pics...

These are some of my dad's pics from when they were out here in September, I couldn't help but post my favorites...

Newborn Caelan

Love this pic, so cute!
Great father and son moment

Favorite pics...

The four of us (although, Caelan is still inside)
Is this a Heisman in the making? =)
I love this kid!
Best cowboy boots ever =)

Friday, November 19, 2010

A visit from Grandma

Last week Grandma Bos was here to visit (thanks for all the fun and all your help!). Here's some pics of our week:

Caelans favorite new way to travel, my Moby wrap =)
Grandma got to go out and see Sage show off his cowboy skills
Here his is riding "his" horse Cocoa
Oops, sorry it's sideways and a bit blurry but here's Grandma with the boys