Monday, November 2, 2009

A Sage-asaurus!

We took Sage trick-or-treating with our friends the Ficsors. Last Halloween we were with them as well and it was only a few weeks later that their home burnt down in the Tea Fire. It was a great Halloween this year not only because it was, well, Halloween, but it was also the Ficsors first night in their newly built home! Sage was a dinosaur and Sammy was the Flash. I must say I'm pretty proud of my first homemade Halloween costume as a mom. =)

Check out that tail!

Sage looking up to Sammy as The Flash
It didn't take long for Sage to figure out that Halloween meant candy
Sage very proud of his lollipop


Anonymous said...

As someone whose sole homemade contribution to Halloween was a sheet, I have to say that you rocked it with the dinosaur costume - very clever use of a familiar item. And I see Reese's Peanut Butter cups in his bucket, lucky boy.


Miss Elissa said...

Oh my gosh! Cutest Halloween costume ever! How did you get all those sponges to stay on? Of course your crazy-handsome boy would look great in anything... :)

hlw said...

Congrats on the costume...adorable!!